Safety Tips for Operating Automatic Slicers

Quantum Technical ServicesS Cantilevered Pendulum Slicer black

Automatic slicers are a valuable and necessary part of any automated food production system, especially for pizza production lines. However, automatic slicers can also be dangerous. They typically have sharp blades that rotate and slice at high speeds and can cause severe injuries and financial losses. Even when the machine is off, it can be a potential safety hazard in your facility. Even for seasoned food processing professionals, it can always be good to brush up on the latest safety tips for machinery and equipment like slicers. In this article, we will discuss the hazards associated with automatic slicers, the top safety tips for operating automatic slicers, and some high-quality and safe options for slicers, specifically automatic meat and pepperoni slicer machines, from Quantum Technical Services.

What Are Automatic Slicers?

Slicing meats and other foods can be one of the most challenging tasks in food production, but automatic slicers speed up the process. Automatic slicers help you cut meat, cheese, and other foods quickly and precisely. Slicers for meat and other foods are commonly used in the food production industry to speed up the production of pizza and other foods. Slicing meats and other foods can be one of the most challenging tasks in food production, but automatic slicers speed up the process. However, meat and other food slicers are also inherently dangerous machines. According to Society Insurance, meat slicers accounted for about 700 restaurant worker injuries

What Is a Meat Slicer? 

A meat slicer can be used to slice meats and cheeses to the correct thickness and size. 

Hazards and Dangers Associated With Automatic Food Slicers

While automatic slicers are a helpful tool in a food processing facility, several risks and dangers can result if not used safely. There are many cases of workers being seriously injured by meat-slicing machines.

Cuts and Amputations 

With such sharp equipment, amputation and cuts are possible. It is essential to prevent cuts and amputations from food slicers.

Financial Liability

Your company may be liable financially for any injuries or damage your employees suffer while on the job. 

Risk Losing Workers to Injuries 

When workers are injured on the job, they will miss work. During the labor shortage, this is a severe issue for many employers.

Top Safety Tips for Operating Automatic Slicers

Though several risks are associated with automatic slicers, there are far more benefits. And it is possible to keep everyone in your facility safe by following certain precautions. Follow these top safety tips for operating automatic slicers to keep your employees safe and keep yourself safe from liability:

Choose the Right Equipment 

The first safety tip for operating automatic slicers is to ensure you have the right equipment. Not all automatic slicers are created equally. Always purchase a high-quality, reliable meat slicer to keep your employees, equipment, and company safe. 

Remove Clutter Around the Slicer

Make sure to keep the area around your slicer free of clutter. This will make the operation safer. A worker could trip and fall onto the blade.

Train Employees How to Use Automatic Slicers Properly

Ensure everyone who uses and is in the vicinity of the meat or food slicer knows how to operate it correctly and safely. 

Only Allow Trained Employees to Use the Equipment 

The food slicer should only be operated by authorized and trained personnel at all times. Hands-on training is essential for this type of equipment.

Wear Cut-Resistant Gloves At All Times When Using Automatic Slicers 

Cut-resistant gloves can make the slicing operation quicker and safer. Gloves can also be worn during slicer cleaning. 

Stay Completely Focused on the Task 

Anyone utilizing the automatic slicer must be wholly focused on the task and free of any distractions. Even looking away for a moment can result in a severe injury. 

Never Reach Across the Slicer 

Employees must never reach across the slicer. Instead, turn it off and walk around it to get to the other side when necessary.

Keep the Slicer Clean

It is essential to regularly clean your slicer machine to ensure it is not causing contamination. Automatic slicers have been linked to Listeria illness and outbreaks, but good slicer cleaning practices can prevent that from happening. It is essential to keep these clean automation tips in mind.

Unplug the Slicer Before Cleaning

Speaking of cleaning, it is essential to unplug the slicer before you begin cleaning. 

Lock the Blade When Not in Use 

Some slicers offer the ability to lock the blade when the slicer is not in use. 

Keep Equipment in Excellent Condition 

To prevent injuries and other accidents from occurring, it is essential to keep your equipment in excellent condition. Quantum Technical Services offers preventative equipment maintenance to maximize safety. 

Get Safe Meat and Pepperoni Slicer Machines from Quantum Technical Services

Quantum Technical Services offers a variety of meat slicers. Our slicers easily cut through pepperoni, Canadian bacon, and sausage sticks. Our slicers can also be configured for slicing some deli-style meats and cheeses. All Quantum slicers feature continuous motion conveyors and state-of-the-art servo motor drive technology to position your product under the target depositor precisely. The best safety tip for operating automatic slicers is to choose safe and effective equipment initially. Learn more about our meat and pepperoni slicer options: 

  • Cantilevered Pendulum Meat/Cheese Slicer Model #Quantum Technical ServicesS Series
  • Conveyorized Target Pepperoni/Meat/Cheese Slicer Model #TP-2
  • Conveyorized Target Pepperoni System Model #P200 Series Single Head
  • Conveyorized Targeted Pepperoni System Model #P200 Series Dual Head 
  • Cantilevered Target Pepperoni System Model #P400 Series 

Don’t Forget These Safety Tips for Operating Automatic Slicers

One tip we like to give our clients is to laminate a set of safety instructions and leave them near your automatic slicers in clear view as a reminder to your employees and anyone near your equipment. If you need more safety tips for operating automatic slicers or other assistance, contact Quantum Technical Services at (815) 427-5080 or email