Leveraging Holidays and Events to Boost Frozen Pizza Sales

pizza for event launch

While pizza is popular all the time, there are specific points in the year when pizza sales see a boost. Brands can leverage these peak times, such as holidays and events to increase frozen pizza sales– as long as they have the automated equipment to do so. 

These holidays and events provide a great opportunity to connect with more customers and realize greater value than at other times of the year. Still, your frozen pizza brand must prepare to ramp up production to successfully meet demand. This includes maintaining the quality and consistency that your brand is known for, even when significantly increasing production. 

Here, we’ll explore how frozen pizza labels can leverage holidays and events to increase frozen pizza sales, as well as specific strategies for preparation for peak times. We’ll also offer types of frozen pizza equipment and tools for assembly lines that brands can employ to meet demand. Holidays and events can allow brands to see a surplus– as long as they’re prepared for it!


Holidays and Events in Frozen Pizza Production

Holidays and events like New Year’s Eve and the Super Bowl cause a considerable increase in pizza sales. Unlike unforeseen trends and dips in the supply chain, these days happen every year, so frozen pizza labels can adequately prepare for increased demand. Brands have the time to develop and perfect a strategy for increasing frozen pizza production to increase frozen pizza sales. And after every year, they can evaluate what worked and what they could do better. Seasonal increases in frozen pizza production serve as year-round boosts in sales and value. But, frozen pizza labels must prepare to make the most out of these holidays and events. We’ll look at specific strategies for how to boost frozen pizza sales next.

pizza for event launch


How to Boost Frozen Pizza Sales 

Increasing frozen pizza production to boost frozen pizza sales requires a plan to reach the right markets and correct quotas. While the landscape of the frozen food industry is typically ever-evolving, seasonal frozen pizza peak times are consistent opportunities to realize extra value for your brand. At Quantum, we recommend researching peak times, marketing, and ramping up production accordingly.


Research Peak Times 

Researching peak times can help your brand prepare a plan for when it needs to start marketing and gathering the necessary materials and staffing for meeting these seasonal quotas. Outlining which holidays and events (like New Year’s Eve and the Super Bowl) can create a project timeline for your team. 


Market, Market, Market!

Once your brand determines which holidays and events it’s going to create products for (either in surplus or special releases), leadership can begin to market and develop season-specific packaging and advertisements to make the event extra special. For example, your brand may want to connect with customers participating in a health-focused New Year’s resolution by creating pizzas with healthier toppings, like zucchini, broccoli, and/or roasted peppers.

topping pizza


Ramp Up Production

The next step is ramping up production. But, is your pizza equipment up to the task? These Holidays and events see increased demand, so your brand’s pizza equipment will need to rise to the occasion. Can your tech also ensure the same quality and consistency with increased production rates, without increased downtime? If not, it’s likely time for upgraded equipment. At Quantum, we recognize the importance of having frozen pizza equipment that can handle the high volume of peak industry times and can also ensure top quality and consistency for your customers.


Tools for Frozen Pizzas and Frozen Pizza Equipment

Our experts have designed Quantum tools for frozen pizzas and frozen pizza equipment to easily scale up production without decreasing quality or consistency. Our frozen pizza equipment and tools include Cardboard Circle Placers, Ingredient Applicators, and Conveyor Systems, each offering unique features that can facilitate increased production to increase frozen pizza sales.


Cardboard Circle Placers

At Quantum, we recommend starting your pizza production line with Cardboard Circle Placers– important tools for frozen pizzas in any assembly line. Quantum Cardboard Circle Placers can dispense cardboard circles, squares, and rectangles onto the assembly line to serve as a foundation throughout the assembly, packaging, shipping, and shelf life. Employing a cardboard circle placer is often a brand’s first step in ensuring that its customers receive an intact product. Cardboard bases also ensure that the products remain aligned throughout ingredient assembly, further ensuring passed QC. Adjustable application rates allow brands to scale production rates without losing quality or consistency.


Ingredient Applicators

Quantum offers many types of ingredient applicators, including the following:

  • Sauce Applicators
  • Cheese/Topping Applicators
  • Meat/Pepperoni Slicers
  • Dry/Granular Ingredient Applicators

Like our Cardboard Circle Placers, our Ingredient Applicators also have adjustable application rates so your label can increase production accordingly. Leveraging holidays and events to increase frozen pizza sales can be simple, as long as your automated pizza equipment can keep up with demand. Each of our Ingredient Applicators improves quality and consistency, even in times of increased production. This way, your brand can still provide high-quality meals to your customers while facing higher demand.


Conveyor Systems

Conveyor systems are also vital tools for frozen pizzas and assembly. At Quantum, your brand can find some of the following conveyor types to streamline pizza production:

  • Flat Belts
  • Infeed Orientation Systems
  • Compression Conveying Systems
  • Bulk Feed Conveying Systems
  • Reclaim Conveyors
  • Water Spray Conveyors

Each conveyor system type offers its own functionality and adjustable speeds to help increase frozen pizza sales by simplifying operations. For example, our Infeed Orientation Systems help align pizza products on the assembly line, ensuring proper ingredient application and passing QC. Quantum Compression Conveying Systems maintain even ingredient application, also facilitating quality and consistency between products. Holidays and events demand organized operations, and our conveying systems have the functionality and capability to successfully increase productivity.

Quantum tools for frozen pizzas and frozen pizza equipment can prepare your brand to leverage holidays and events to boost its sales. Meeting increased demand starts with employing the right equipment that can handle high-volume production. At Quantum, your brand will find the automated tech it needs to meet demand while ensuring quality and consistency.

pizza production line


Prep for Demand With Quantum

Quantum Technical Services is the industry leader in automated food equipment. Created with the needs of the frozen food manufacturing industry in mind, Quantum equipment transforms pizza production lines around the world by decreasing operational costs while improving productivity. Quantum tech offers adjustable production speeds so brands can easily and immediately ramp up assembly, without sacrificing quality or consistency. Contact our team today to find out how your brand can implement any one of our machines to leverage peak times to boost frozen pizza sales.